/*HM_Loader.js * by Peter Belesis. v4.0.12 010612 * Copyright (c) 2001 Peter Belesis. All Rights Reserved. */ HM_DOM = (document.getElementById) ? true : false; HM_NS4 = (document.layers) ? true : false; HM_IE = (document.all) ? true : false; HM_IE4 = HM_IE && !HM_DOM; HM_Mac = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") != -1); HM_IE4M = HM_IE4 && HM_Mac; HM_IsMenu = (HM_DOM || HM_NS4 || (HM_IE4 && !HM_IE4M)); HM_BrowserString = HM_NS4 ? "NS4" : HM_DOM ? "DOM" : "IE4"; if(window.event + "" == "undefined") event = null; function HM_f_PopUp(){return false}; function HM_f_PopDown(){return false}; popUp = HM_f_PopUp; popDown = HM_f_PopDown; HM_GL_MenuWidth = 150; HM_GL_FontFamily = "MS Sans serif, Arial, sans-serif"; HM_GL_FontSize = 8; HM_GL_FontBold = false; HM_GL_FontItalic = false; HM_GL_FontColor = "333366"; HM_GL_FontColorOver = "white"; HM_GL_BGColor = "red"; HM_GL_BGColorOver = "transparent"; HM_GL_ItemPadding = 3; HM_GL_BorderWidth = 1; HM_GL_BorderColor = "black"; HM_GL_BorderStyle = "solid"; HM_GL_SeparatorSize = 1; HM_GL_SeparatorColor = "black"; HM_GL_ImageSrc = "/ford/ford.nsf/tri.gif"; HM_GL_ImageSize = 5; HM_GL_ImageHorizSpace = 0; HM_GL_ImageVertSpace = 2; HM_GL_KeepHilite = true; HM_GL_ClickStart = false; HM_GL_ClickKill = true; HM_GL_ChildOverlap = 20; HM_GL_ChildOffset = 5; HM_GL_ChildPerCentOver = null; HM_GL_TopSecondsVisible = .5; HM_GL_ChildSecondsVisible = .3; HM_GL_StatusDisplayBuild = 0; HM_GL_StatusDisplayLink = 1; HM_GL_UponDisplay = null; HM_GL_UponHide = null; //HM_GL_RightToLeft = true; HM_GL_CreateTopOnly = HM_NS4 ? true : false; HM_GL_ShowLinkCursor = true; // the following function is included to illustrate the improved JS expression handling of // the left_position and top_position parameters // you may delete if you have no use for it function HM_f_CenterMenu(topmenuid) { var MinimumPixelLeft = 0; var TheMenu = HM_DOM ? document.getElementById(topmenuid) : HM_IE4 ? document.all(topmenuid) : eval("window." + topmenuid); var TheMenuWidth = HM_DOM ? parseInt(TheMenu.style.width) : HM_IE4 ? TheMenu.style.pixelWidth : TheMenu.clip.width; var TheWindowWidth = HM_IE ? document.body.clientWidth : window.innerWidth; return Math.max(parseInt((TheWindowWidth-TheMenuWidth) / 2),MinimumPixelLeft); } if(HM_IsMenu) { // document.write("<\/SCR" + "IPT>"); document.write("<\/SCR" + "IPT>"); } //end